The overlap between the spectrum of frontotemporal dementias and atypical Parkinsonism
Delivered by Vasilios Constantinides – 8 February 2022, 3-4pm CET The speaker is a Neurologist at te National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
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Delivered by Vasilios Constantinides – 8 February 2022, 3-4pm CET The speaker is a Neurologist at te National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
Delivered by Hannah Bakels – 1 February 2022, 3-4pm CET The speaker works as a research physician and PhD-candidate at the Neurology and Human Genetics…
Delivered by W.M.C. van Roon-Mom The speaker is a full professor of Human Genetics, in particular of translational studies of neurodegenerative disorders at the University…
Delivered by Marcondes C. França Jr, 11 January 2022, 3-4pm CET The speaker is Neurologist at the Department of Neurology and Associate Professor at the…
Delivered by Thomas Klockgether on November 9th The speaker is a Professor in Neurology and Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurology at the…
Delivered by Nicole Wolf on 26th october 3-4pm CEST The speaker is a consultant child neurologist and associate professor at the Emma Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam…
Delivered by Caroline Sevin on 7th october 3-4pm CEST The speaker is Child Neurologist and researcher at the Hospital Bicêtre and the Institute of Brain…
The speaker is an associate professor of genetics at the University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France. Dr Mochel leads the French reference center…
Sep 14, 2021 03:00 PM in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna The speaker is Full Professor of Neurology at the University Tübingen and Director of…
Click here to view webinar Webinar delivered by Adam Vogel 6th July 3PM Paris Educational webinars on rare neurological, neuromuscular and movement disorders jointly organized…
‘Update Metachromatic Leukodystrophy’ is a joint webinar organized by ERN-Rare Neurological Diseases with the European Academy of Neurology and the ERN Euro-NMD for rare neuromuscular…
Delivered by: Nicole Wolf (Emma Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam University Medical Centre, the Netherlands) On the: 8 June 2021, 3-4pm CET The speaker is consultant child…