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Relevant resources at a distance of a click

Several essential resources support the EURO-NMD network, some supplied by the European Commission and others developed in-house. The objective is to fulfil the ERN’s goals of providing streamlined diagnostic and therapeutic features to support patient care across Europe and propel research in neuromuscular disorders. The User Guide for the website can be found here

  1. The ERN Collaborative Platform: The collaborative platform is restricted to ERN users. It supports the ERN Board of Member States, the ERN Coordinators, and ERN members in online communication, document management, and event organisation. You need an EU login to access it

  2. ERN acknowledgement in ERN members’ publications/communications:  If you publish on the name of an Institution Member of the ERN Euro-NMD you are expected to acknowledge the ERN in the paper. Read More

  3. Task list URLs

Register / Login: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/login/

Private space: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/private/

Edit profile: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/profile/

Groups Membership: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/private/groups-membership/

Shared files: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/private/shared-files/

Data collaborations forms: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/data-collaboration-forms/

Request a group membership: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/data-collaboration-forms/create/group-membership-request/

Propose a new healthcare provider: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/data-collaboration-forms/create/healthcare-provider/

Propose a new organization: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/data-collaboration-forms/create/organisation/

Create a news post: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/data-collaboration-forms/create/post/

Create an opportunity post: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/data-collaboration-forms/create/opportunity/

Add an event to the website: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/data-collaboration-forms/create/event/

Add a publication to the website: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/data-collaboration-forms/create/publication/

Add a poster to the website: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/data-collaboration-forms/create/poster/

Submit an educational activity: https://ern-euro-nmd.eu/data-collaboration-forms/create/educational-activity/