Occurrence of both skeletal muscle and peripheral nerve involvement in genetic and acquired disorders

18 February 2021

By Prof Antonio Toscano, Neurologist and Neuromuscular Expert, Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Messina, IT

Prof. Toscano scientific activity has been mainly developed in neurogenetic diseases with specific reference to neuromuscular and neurodegenerative disorders

In fact, he is particularly dedicated to the diagnosis, management and treament of:
1) Metabolic myopathies as muscle glycogenoses (with particular interest in Glycogenosis type II – Pompe disease), lipid storage myopathies and mitochondrial disorders,
2) Genetic myopathies (limb-girdle syndromes, distal myopathies, channelopathies, cardiomyopathies, congenital myasthenia),
3) Peripheral neuropathies (particularly, disimmune and genetic neuropathies)
4) Neurodegenerative diseases (i.e., cerebellar ataxias and spastic paraparesis).

He is also author of over 160 publications in indexed journals (see list of pubblications).

He is member of the Editorial Board of: 1) Neuromuscular disorders, 2) Journal of Neuromuscular diseases and a reviewer for many high impact publications, besides having an extensive list of publications on his area of expertise.

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