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Feedback on the 3rd Neuromuscular Translational Summer School !

The 3rd Neuromuscular Translational Summer School took place online from 6 to 10 December, 2021. The aim was to understand how to facilitate the clinical development of therapies for NMDs. The objectives of this Summer School were:

– To educate clinicians and researchers working in the NMD field on aspects relevant for translational therapy development

– To outline and showcase how networks like EURO-NMD and TREAT-NMD facilitate therapy development

This 3rd Neuromuscular Translational Summer School was a success despite the fact that it had to be reorganized online and the participants gave us very positive feedback. The 15 participants came from 12 different countries. It was a lively Summer School with lots of interaction between faculty and participants. This Summer school was held by excellent speakers presenting on a wide spectrum of pertinent topics.

Here are some feedbacks from participants who were glad to share them with us:

« Thank you for the very well organized summer school. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot! ! » Esther Schrama – Netherlands

« Thank you all for this amazing experience in which I learned a lot. » Leire Moriones – Spain

« Thank you again for this course.  You all did a brilliant job and I am so grateful that I was able to attend and learn from the excellent speakers ! » Nicole Le Grand – United Kingdom

After the Summer School we decided to launch an online satisfaction survey based on 3 main criteria:

– Presenters

– Quality & content of slides

The aim was to understand our areas of improvement, we also recolted some very useful constructive comments to enhance future online events, here is an extract :


We would like to thank all the participants for their involvement during this Summer School and also the presenters for sharing their knowledge with us.

Stay tuned for inscriptions for the 2022 Neuromuscular Translational Summer School  and we hope to see you there in person!

ERN Euro-NMD coordination team