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ERN Euro-NMD Expert Group for Guidelines Development

The European Commission has started a Project that involves Euro-NMD for developing Guidelines for Neuromuscular Conditions. The purpose is to support the creation of two new guidelines and the update of five existing ones. A consortium of Spanish Academia institutions will support the ERNs during the process, providing methodological support and a methodologist expert will be integrated in the expert panel. Many ERNs already have Guideline groups and collaboration with learned societies in guidelines development, that will be involved in the project as well.

The ERN needs to identify Experts in Guidelines that are willing to participate in a Guideline Development Group for a term of 3 years. Subgroups of experts will be formed for specific guidelines development.

Clinicians, methodologists and patients involved in the guidelines project need to fit in one of the 3 categories below:

EXPERT PANEL in charge of the development, appraisal and implementation of each specific Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) and Clinical Decision Support Tools (CDSTs) at ERN level. The number of members of Expert Panel on ERN Guidelines shall be ranged from 9 to 17

AD-HOC SUBGROUPS entrusted with specific tasks and directly linked to the given mandate and coordinated by a member of the Expert Panel . The members of the Sub-groups will be selected by the Chair/co-Chairs of the Expert Panel from among the members of the Expert Panel and the healthcare professionals of Healthcare provider of the ERN based on the necessary expertise and knowledge

INVITED EXPERTS, with specific expertise on a topic to participate in the work of the Expert Panel or Sub-groups on an ad hoc and temporary basis. They can be invited by the Chair/co-Chairs of  the Expert Panel at the request of the members of the Expert Panel.

If you would like to volunteer for any of these roles, please email us on coordination@ern-euro-nmd.eu