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Consensus paper on management of seizures in mitochondrial patients

Child and adult neurologists from 4 European Reference Networks (MetabERN, ERN-RND, European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases, ERN EpiCARE – Rare and Complex Epilepsies, and #EURONMD), Experts from the UK and Patient Avocates gathered in Budapest to write a consensus paper on management of seizures in mitochondrial patients.

This paper adresses an unmet need strongly expressed by patients and treating clinicians. Imminent epileptogists and mitochondrial experts from 6 countries discussed clinical evidence and their clinical experience over two days, and used the Delphi process to reach consensus on 25 drugs.
The consensus paper is funded by EURO-NMD and #EJPRD

The work on the consensus paper was led and coordinated by Prof. Michelangelo Mancuso from Pisa