Home > Events > Others > 26èmes journées de la Société francophone du nerf périphérique (26th meeting of the French-speaking peripheral nerve society)

26èmes journées de la Société francophone du nerf périphérique (26th meeting of the French-speaking peripheral nerve society)

10 – 11 Mar 2023


The sessions will concern the shared themes between the nerve and the muscle, the first one focused on the clinic of facial injuries (in partnership with the French Society of Myology) and the second one on muscle and peripheral nerve imaging.

Dr. Tanya Stojkovic is the President of SFNP

“The morning of Friday will be devoted to current events in basic research. It will be led by Dr. Bertrand Coste, who will present the work on the role of mechanoreceptors in the neurosensory system, which contributed to the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 2021. It will continue with a presentation by Dr. Jérôme Devaux, an expert on the proteins of the node of Ranvier and the resulting pathologies, the nodopathies, a subject whose exploration and understanding have set the pace for advances in the field of inflammatory neuropathies in recent years.
We will also give the floor to young researchers, in particular those whom the SFNP was able to support last year.

Friday afternoon will be devoted to the themes proposed by the SFENMG and will offer educational, practical and interactive presentations.

On Saturday morning, two plenary lectures will illustrate subjects of primary importance in the field of peripheral nerves: diabetic neuropathy and satellite neuropathies of hemopathies. For these two sessions we will propose a dynamic exchange between specialties, with the participation and expertise of diabetologists and hematologists.”
