Dr. Milda Dambrauskienė
- Pediatric Neurologist
Dr. Milda Dambrauskienė is a pediatric neurologist practicing at the Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos. Her professional journey began with the completion of a Master’s degree in medicine at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in 2001, followed by a residency in child neurology until 2010.
Since September 2017, Dr. Dambrauskienė has played a significant role in the Center for Neuromuscular Diseases in Kauno klinikos (an affilliated member of EURO-NMD since 2019), contributing valuable insights to the field. Her expertise has been continually refined through active participation in specialized courses and conferences, with a particular emphasis on neuromuscular disorders and rare genetic diseases.
In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Dambrauskienė has delivered presentations, sharing her knowledge and insights with her peers. Furthermore, she is actively involved in professional associations, including serving as the Chair of the Lithuanian Association of Child Neurology, demonstrating her commitment to advancing the discipline.