Ingrid de Groot

Ingrid de Groot (1970, The Netherlands) was diagnosed with dermatomyositis in 2006. She is chair of the Dutch Myositis Group for Spierziekten Nederland, the Dutch patient organisation for neuromuscular diseases. She represents the patient perspective within the Myositis Network Netherlands. Ingrid is also involved in several national and international studygroups in the field of myositis or neuromuscular and rheumatic diseases in general, either as a steering committee member or Patient Research Partner. Other activities include: reviewing grant proposals for funding bodies, speaker and author, member with different roles for EULAR (European Alliance if Associations for Rheumatology). Ingrid has assisted patients in other countries to set up myositis working groups. She has a particular interest in research and development of outcome measures and is passionate about empowering patients to contribute their experiential knowledge to research. Ingrid was invited to become member of the Medical Advisory Board of the Myositis Association (world’s largest patient association for myositis) and in that position will focus on research and education regarding exercise and rehabilitation and as a former Licensed Clinical Social Worker, also on mental health/psychological impact of disease.