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Coordinator’s Message and Season’s Greetings

Despite the extraordinary circumstances of 2020, Euro-NMD has consolidated as a network for neuromuscular disorders. It started the year with 61 full members (HCPs) and welcomed 9 affiliated partners in 2020. Moreover, we are currently evaluating 26 new full membership applications, a process that will be finalised by June 2021. Regretfully, the future of the ERNs institutional collaboration with the UK centres is at risk, following the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU and the end of the transition period on the 31st December 2020. We heartfully thank our UK Colleagues for their work and commitment that have contributed to our ERN’s success. Despite this, we will always welcome their contribution to the neuromuscular field’s scientific and clinical advancement. 

In the current year, we witnessed changes in the Educational Board and the Pathology Working Group leads. We send warm thanks to the ceasing Chairs, Andoni Urtizberea and Bjarne Udd, for their extraordinary achievements and welcome Jean-Phillipe Plançon and Montse Olivé to the difficult task of keeping up with their work, a challenge that they have gracefully accepted.

The Coordination Team wishes all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year of 2021.