Home > Montserrat Olivé Plana


Dr Montserrat Olivé Plana

Montse Olivé Plana – Director of the Neuromuscular Disorders Unit (EN) at the Neurology Service of the Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) in Barcelona.

Montse Olivé has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Central University of Barcelona. She completed her residency in Clinical Neurophysiology at the University Hospital of Bellvitge. She is a Doctor of Medicine from the Central University of Barcelona. Since the beginning of her training she has been interested in the study of muscular diseases. After finishing her residency, she obtained a grant from the Fundació Pi i Sunyer to do her doctoral thesis at the Neuropathology Unit of the Hospital de Bellvitge where she trained in muscle pathology. After a long career at the University Hospital of Bellvitge, combining her clinical activity and in the Pathology Department, in 2020 she joined the Neuromuscular Diseases Unit of the Neurology Department of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) in Barcelona, where she is now the director.

From the point of view of assistance, she performs the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with muscular disorders, neurophysiological studies, as well as the diagnosis of muscular biopsies in collaboration with other members of the team.

Montse Olivé has a long experience in clinical and electrophysiological evaluation of patients affected by myopathies, and is a recognized national and international expert in the field of muscle pathology and electron microscopy of skeletal muscle in humans and in experimental models of myopathies.

His research work has focused on the clinical and morphological characterization of genetically determined muscle diseases, especially diseases with protein aggregates, and on the search for genes responsible for new entities.

In 2010 she worked for 6 months as an invited researcher at the Neuromuscular Morphology Unit of the Institute of Myology, Paris. She has published more than 125 articles in indexed journals, and has contributed significantly to the definition of clinical and pathological phenotypes in different muscle diseases and to the description of new myopathies.

He is a member of the research committee at the European Neuromuscular Center (ENMC) and co-chair of the Protein Aggregate Myopathies consortium at ENMC. She is a member of the muscle pathology working group of the European Network of Neuromuscular Diseases (ERN-NMD), member of the ERN-NMD Executive Committee and co-author of the document “Recommended standards for muscle pathology”. She is the author of two chapters of the book “Muscle Diseases, Pathology and Genetics” of the International Society of Neuropathology.

She is a regular lecturer at the Summer School of Myology, Institute de Myologie, Paris, as well as at the Latin American Summer School of Myology (EVELAM).

Neuromuscular Disorders Unit, Neurology Service
Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau
C/Pare Claret 167
08025 Barcelona


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