Rigshospitalet, Neuromuscular Clinic and Research Unit

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  +45 35453545  |     http://neuromuscular.dk/  |    rigshospital.rigshospitalet@regionh.dk

The neuromuscular clinic offers diagnostic services for all neuromuscular patients, which are carried out in close collaboration with several departments at our hospital. Most notably, these include Departments of Clinical Genetics, Neurophysiology, Neuroradiology, Cardiology, Pediatrics, and Biochemistry. We have special focus and expertise in diagnosing patients affected by limb girdle muscular dystrophy, mitochondrial myopathies, metabolic myopathies, channelopathies, and myotonic dystrophies. Besides the essential evaluation of patients by trained neuromuscular specialists, our unit also have a fully equipped molecular and histology lab, which facilitates processing of muscle biopsies for the whole hospital. About 200 clinical muscle biopsies are read by our unit on a yearly basis, and approximately as many research biopsies. Eight dedicated senior neuromuscular specialists work in the unit as well as 8 nurses, 5 physiotherapists, 4 secretaries and 9 phd students. The unit also has a clinical trial unit that in 2022 actively runs 20 clinical trials with the industry in a variety of different neuromuscular diseases. Approximately 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications are published yearly from the clinic.


Group membership

Rigshospitalet, Neuromuscular Clinic and Research Unit participates in the following groups…

Specialised Groups

Muscle diseases
Peripheral Nerve Disease
Motor Neuron Disease
Neuromuscular Junction Defects
Mitochondrial Diseases

Cross Cutting Specialised Groups

Neuromuscular Imaging
Neuromuscular Pathology

Rigshospitalet, Neuromuscular Clinic and Research Unit is registered with the Care and Trial Site Registry

The ERNs are co-funded by the
European Union (Health Programme and CEF)

EU Commission

“EURO-NMD is one of the 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs) approved by the ERN Board of Member States. The ERNs are co-funded by the European Union (Health Programme and CEF).
For more information about the ERNs and the EU health strategy,
please visit ec.europa.eu/health/ern