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CUB-Hôpital Erasme

Our area of expertise covers most of the rare neuromuscular diseases from the diagnosis to treatment concerning paediatric and adult patients. It includes multidisciplinary long term follow-up and access to all orphan drugs currently used in neuromuscular diseases. Moreover we may offer, thank to our local expertise and several reinforced collaborations, specific clinical and neurophysiological expertise in several specific domains including muscle channellopathies, muscle glycogenosis, spinal muscle atrophy, dystrophinopathies, and other muscle dystrophies and Friedreich ataxia. This care offer also includes several projects past, present and future concerning therapeutic studies. rnIndeed, our centre developed experience in the field of therapeutic clinical studies/trials by participations to several therapeutic studies in the field of neuromuscular diseases (such as spinal muscle atrophy, peripheral neuropathies, Friedreich ataxia,…). We provide ad hoc facilities in order to be able for clinical researches including therapeutic studies: experimented nurses and data manager with dedicated rooms, all the facilities of a complete Academic centre (including all internal medicine departments required such as 7days/7 – 24hours/24 availability of an emergency room with an in-house neurologist and intensive care unit, highly specialized cardiologist for genetic and neuromuscular disorders, highly specialized pneumologist with ad hoc team for non-invasive and invasive ventilation, highly specialized and large medical genetic team,…). All together our medical team is very large in includes numerous adult and paediatric neurologist specialized for neuromuscular disorders who have specific skills in order to cover most of the neuromuscular diseases and their consequences: ADULTS TEAM: Professor G Remiche : head of the Neuromuscular Reference Centre, specialized in muscle disease, rare neuropathies including (genetically determined), neuromuscular junction disorders, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other second neurone motor disorders, clinical neurophysiology, neuromuscular rehabilitation (adult patients). Dr Michela Bisciglia: specialized in muscle disease, rare neuropathies including (genetically determined), neuromuscular junction disorders, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other second neurone motor disorders, clinical neurophysiology. – Professor N Mavroudakis : immunes neuropathies, neuromuscular junction disorders, clinical neurophysiology – Dr Virginie Destrebecq : Friedreich ataxia, other ataxias (SCA), spastic hereditary paraplegia – Dr A-G Herbaut: neuro-urology – Dr Caroyer, Dr Voordecker : general neuromuscular diseases/clinical neurophysiology PAEDIATRIC TEAM: – Professor N Deconinck : muscle dystrophies, dystrophinopathies, spinal muscle atrophy – Professor A Aeby : general neuromuscular diseases, neuromuscular rehabilitation – Dr S Coppens : general neuromuscular diseases expertise, neurogenetics, muscle dystrophies.
