Aarhus University Hospital belongs to the elite of university hospitals, and aims to be the best choice for patients and professionals. Aarhus University Hospital serves both citizens in the local area and patients in need of highly specialised treatment.
Aarhus University Hospital has approx. 10.000 staff members, 850 beds and 43 clinical departments. Yearly approx. 900.000 outpatient visits, 85.000 admissions, 80.000 surgeries and 5000 births.
Aarhus University Hospital develops and provides highly specialised treatment, research and education at international level.
• AUH provides the best treatment respecting the individual human being
• AUH conducts comprehensive research at high international level to the benefit of patients
• AUH educates and develops competent and committed employees
• AUH plays an active role in the development of healthcare services regionally, nationally and internationally
• AUH collaborates to make results