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ERN EURO-NMD presents : Muscle Month Webinar Series – January 2024

In partnership with ERN-RND for Rare Neurological Diseases & European Academy of Neurology, we are running a series of webinars every Thursday in January. This month’s topic is rare muscle diseases. Each webinar will last approximately 1 hour with an opportunity for viewers to ask questions about the topic.

Sign up and learn virtually from experts in neuromuscular diseases!

This month’s programm:

Thursday, January 4th 2024 at 16:00 CET
Cognitive Symptoms in Myopathies” delivered by Dr. Jens Reimann (Department of Neurology, University Hospital Bonn, Germany)

Dr. Jens Reimann is a consultant neurologist at the Department of Neurology, University Hospital Bonn, Germany. He runs the department’s Muscle Lab (muscle research and myopathology unit, established by Prof. Felix Jerusalem in 1981) and supervises the clinical neurophysiology unit as well as the neuromuscular outpatient clinic of the Section for Neuromuscular Diseases, headed by Prof. Cornelia Kornblum.


Thursday, January 11th 2024 at 16:00 CET
Respiratory insufficiency in Neuromuscular Diseases” delivered by Dr. Maxwell Damian (Consultant Neurologist and Clinical Neurophysiologist, Intensive care expert, NHS, UK)

Dr. Maxwell Damian is a Tasmanian-born Neurologist who studied medicine in Germany and the UK, where he is based. He is also accredited in Clinical Neurophysiology and in Intensive Care. His clinical and research focus is in Muscle Disease and Neurocritical Care. He retired from full time work in the NHS as Consultant Neurologist at Cambridge University Hospitals in 2020, and now works part-time in critical care at the Essex Cardiothoracic Centre, UK, on multimodal neuroprognostication and remote neuromonitoring.


Thursday, January 18th 2024 at 16:00 CET
Rhabdomyolysis” Delivered by Prof. Antonio Toscano (University of Messina, Italy)

Prof. Antonio Toscano is a full Professor of Neurology in University of Messina, Italy at the AOU Policlinico “G. Martino”, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Neurology and Neuromuscular disorders Unit. Prof. Toscano scientific activity has been mainly developed in neurogenetic diseases with specific reference to neuromuscular and neurodegenerative disorders In fact, he is particularly dedicated to the diagnosis, management and treament of: 1) Metabolic myopathies as muscle glycogenoses (with particular interest in Glycogenosis type II – Pompe disease), lipid storage myopathies and mitochondrial disorders, 2) Genetic myopathies (limb-girdle syndromes, distal myopathies, channelopathies, cardiomyopathies, congenital myasthenia), 3) Peripheral neuropathies (particularly, disimmune and genetic neuropathies) 4) Neurodegenerative diseases (i.e., cerebellar ataxias and spastic paraparesis). He is also author of over 160 publications in indexed journals (see list of pubblications).


Thursday, January 25th 2024 at 16:00 CET
Distal Myopathies” delivered by Prof. Bjarne Udd (Director of the Tampere Neuromuscular Center, Tampere University Hospital, Finland​)

Dr. Bjarne Udd is a Clinical neurologist with full time neuromuscular research since 1995 Director of the Tampere Neuromuscular Center since 2014. He is a prolific writer of scientific papers (currently 293 or so) and many people cite him (13.309 citations), but mostly he is a thoughtful and sensible clinician with a sharp observation spirit. He has described the Udd distal myopathy, an autosomal dominant disease, appearing usually after the age of 35 and affecting predominantly the anterior compartment in legs due to mutations in TTN (Hackman et al 2002).

This is a EURO-NMD webinar in collaboration with ERN-RND (rare neurological disorders) and European Academy of Neurology.
READ CAREFULLY please: By registering and attending the webinar you consent to the recording of the webinar and its later diffusion through the EURO-NMD websites using an YouTube Channel