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Pieter Van Doorn

I am trained as a neurologist (1990) and clinical neurophysiologist (1991) at the Erasmus MC (Rotterdam, The Netherlands). I am specialized in neuromuscular diseases. In 2002, I was appointed as full-professor in neuromuscular diseases, with a focus on immune-mediated disorders.

My PhD-research was focused on the use of intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). I combined lab research (Dept. of immunohematology Leiden University) with the first clinical trials using IVIg in neurological diseases (Erasmus MC). After finishing my thesis (1990, ‘cum laude’), my research was extended to other polyneuropathies, and clinical trials in Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and CIDP.

In 2013, I initiated an ongoing project dedicated to find new risk factors for the development of chronic axonal polyneuropathy. This project is conducted with Prof Arfan Ikram (Dept. of Epidemiology) in ‘the Rotterdam study’.

My third focus is on Pompe disease, a metabolic muscle disease due to lack of a specific enzyme. Within the Pompe Expertise Centre (Erasmus MC) we aim to better understand the disease, and to apply advanced treatment to patients with this neuromuscular disease.

We initiated and collaborated on many clinical studies, made (international) Guidelines for GBS and CIDP, and I served in many boards including as President of the Peripheral Nerve Society (PNS).


credits: https://nmdresearcherasmusmc.com/team/pieter-van-doorn/


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