Dr Fabrizio Leigheb

Dr. Leigheb has a PhD in clinical and experimental medicine at the University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO), with research focus on “evidence-based models for care pathways”, in collaboration with the Center for Health Services & Nursing Research of the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and with a research grant through the European Pathway Association (E-P-A) he collaborated to the “European Quality of Care-Pathways (EQCP) Study”. At UPO he was then holder of post-doctoral scholarships. He got previous training and provided professional practice, first as GP substitute and then in medical and healthcare management units both in public and private hospitals. He was professionally active as Medical Director of Nursing Homes (RSA) and Long-Term Facilities, with Continuity of Hospital-Territory Care management in the Local Health Authority (ASL) of Vercelli (Italy). Dr. Leigheb holds the position of Substitute Medical Director of Medical Directorate and also the position of Head of Unit “Quality and Clinical Risk” at the University Hospital “Maggiore della Carità” of Novara. Over the years, at University of Eastern Piedmont (UPO), and at the Catholic University of Rome, he has been a lecturer and adjunct professor on contract at degree and post-degree Faculty and School of Medicine courses.