Prof Carlo Minetti

‘-1976: MD University of Genova
-1976-80: Residency in Pediatrics, University of Genova, G.Gaslini Institute.
-1980-1984: Residency in Neuropediatrics and Psychiatry. University of Genova.
-1982: Visiting fellow, J. Lewis Muscle Research Laboratory, Hammersmith Hospital, University of London, .(Dr. V.Dubowitz).
-1989-1992 Post Doctoral Research Fellow,. Laboratory of Muscle Pathology, Department of Neurology, Columbia University, New York, (Dr E. Bonilla and S.DiMauro).
Present Position
-Professor of Pediatrics, University of Genova, Italy
-Director of Pediatric Neurology and Muscle Disease Unit, and Laboratory of Muscle Pathology, University of Genova and G. Gaslini Pediatric Institute, Genova.
-Past- President of the Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology
-Author of 270 Publications on International Peer Reviewed Journals mainly in the field of Neuromuscular Disorders and Neurodegenerative Congenital Diseases, (H Index: 55).