Home > Operating procedures and protocols

Operating procedures and protocols

Preclinical research

The preclinical phase of research is so critical to the decisions made about a possible future therapy hence, it is very important that experiments done at this stage are based on best practice. This means both choosing the most appropriate animal model and doing the experiments in a way that ensures they are comparable and reproducible in different labs. This minimizes the risk of discarding a useful therapy, or conversely, taking a compound into trial in humans that is then proven to have no effect.

Network groups are in the process of identifying procedures and guidelines that they regularly use and feel should be included on our website. Below we have included three which our imaging group have initially highlighted. We will add more here in due course as network groups get in touch.

Standard operating procedures

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Addtional operating procedures of note

The TREAT-NMD website hosts documentation covering a number of standardised protocols and procedures that are widely used in with disease models.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

MDX and GRMD disease models

Spinal muscular atrophy

SMA models

Congenital muscular dystrophy

CMD models




Please note – Currently, these operating procedures, although extensively used worldwide, haven’t been endorsed by EURO-NMD. They are included in this section of the website to highlight some of the work that has already been undertaken, as such this should not be considered a comprehensive list of procedures for disease models.