Home > Boryana Stoyanova


Boryana Stoyanova

- Patient representative

Boryana Stoyanova is a mother of a 22-year-old boy who was diagnosed with mitochondrial disease – Kearns-Sayre Syndrome. In December 2019, she became one of the founders of the National Association of Patients with Mitochondrial Diseases in Bulgaria and was elected as Board member of the same. Boryana is involved in different activities of the association like raising awareness about mitochondrial diseases, translating in Bulgarian language and disseminating information materials among the mito community, participation in the worldwide annual initiative Light Up for Mito, registration of 3 mitochondrial diseases in the national register of rare disease etc., She also contributes to the communication with International Mito Patients. In April 2023 she was elected as Board member of Rare Disease Bulgaria, national umbrella organization in the area of rare disease. Boryana is a lawyer with over 20 years of experience in commercial and corporate law as well as compliance specialist.


Boryana is involved in these different areas of the network...