Home > Francois-Jerome Authier


Pr François-Jerome Authier

- Neurologist and Neuromuscular Pathology Specialist at APHP Hospital Henri Mondor

– Medical Doctor in 1991, Paris-7 University
– Qualification in Neurology in 1991, Paris 7 University
– Qualification in Neuropathology in 1996, Paris 6 University
– PhD in Biology in 1997, Paris 12 (UPEC) University
– Ability to supervise research (highest university degree in France) in 2004
– Tenure Assistant Professor of Histology in 1998, Paris 12 (UPEC) University
– Professor of Histology in 2004, Paris 12 (UPEC) University

Neurologist and neuropathologist, FJ Authier works in the field of neuromuscular disorders since late 90’s. He is electively involved in the care of adult NMD patients, specially the diagnosis and the treatment of acquired, immune or toxic, myopathies and chronic fatigue spectrum disorders. In neuropathology, he takes care of nerve and muscle biopsies from adult and pediatric patients.
He authored 189 articles and his personal H index is 57.


Professor of Histology at the Faculty of Medicine in Paris Est-Créteil University, 94000 Créteil, FRANCE (https://www.u-pec.fr) ;Head of Expert Center for Neuromuscular Pathologies, Department of Pathology, Henri Mondor University Hospitals, 94000 Créteil, FRANCE (https://chu-mondor.aphp.fr );Head of Reference Center for Rare Neuromuscular Diseases of Créteil;Deputy director in charge of medical affairs of research lab ‘Biology of Neuromuscular System’ Mondor Institute for Biomedical Research (IMRB) INSERM U955-Team Relaix


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