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3rd ERICA General Assembly

06 – 07 Jul 2023


The ERICA 3rd General Assembly takes place 6-7 July in Madrid as a face-to-face meeting.

Hosted by Servicio Madrileno de Salud- Hospital Universitario La Paz (SERMAS-HULP). Coordination office of ERN-TransplantChild.

The aim of the ERICA consortium, in which all 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs) take part, is to build on the strength of the individual ERNs and create a platform that integrates all ERNs research and innovation capacity.

The aim of the General Assembly (GA) is to inform all the beneficiaries about the progress of the planned and completed ERICA project activities in more detail and to raise more awareness about the Rare Disease Research perspectives and cooperation within the ERN’s and other relevant partners.

This symposium serves as a great opportunity to ‘meet and greet’ the active ERNs research community both within and between different Expert WGs and to discuss the progress and future of the ERN related Research activities.