Digital Tools for Rare Disease (DT4RD)

The DT4RD project brings together a multinational consortium consisting of Aparito, Paris Institut de Myologie (Institute of Myology), the John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre at Newcastle University, Yumen Bionics, Metabolic Support UK, along with biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry partners, CSL Behring and Chiesi Pharmaceuticals, who will both serve as the sponsors of the project.

A product of the Rare Disease Research call placed by the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases in partnership with Fondation Maladies Rares to develop non-invasive tools for measuring mobility in rare disease patients.

In order to meet the objective set by the call the project consortium will develop a digital platform capable of assessing upper limb function remotely and continuously, capturing the point between being ambulant and non-ambulant, a pivotal juncture in the progression of rare diseases which is often not accounted for with the use of conventional clinical methodology and tools.



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European Union (Health Programme and CEF)

EU Commission

“EURO-NMD is one of the 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs) approved by the ERN Board of Member States. The ERNs are co-funded by the European Union (Health Programme and CEF).
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