Call for Members: IRDiRC Task Force on Drug Repurposing Guidebook

The Therapies Scientific Committee (TSC) is establishing a Task Force on Drug Repurposing Guidebook to help developers (of all kinds) navigating the rare disease landscape and identifying specific tools and practices of relevance for repurposing projects.

The creation of the Development Guidebook will focus on repurposing approaches, following the same successful methodology used for the Orphan Drug Development Guidebook, i.e. explore incentives, regulatory tools, initiatives, development tools (‘building blocks’) that exists or are missing for drug repurposing.

Therefore, the TSC is specifically looking for members to populate this Task Force with the below qualities and expertise in one or more of the following areas:

  • Drug developers with expertise in repurposing
  • Scientists / Clinicians
  • Regulators
  • Public or private rare disease research funders (including investors)
  • Patient Advocates
  • Patent experts
  • Rare Disease Policy experts
  • Methodologists (real-world evidence, target validation, AI, in-silico)

Ideally, we would like to see an even participation of experts from different geographical regions.

If you are interested in taking part in this activity: Please send a CV, biosketch and letter of motivation (one paragraph each) to the Scientific Secretariat (scisec-irdirc [at] before the 25th of February 2022.

Importantly, do not forget to add in the subject of your email the reference of the project (Ref: TF-IRDIRC-RepGuidebook).

Only selected candidates will be contacted. Other applications will be kept for potential future use.

The ERNs are co-funded by the
European Union (Health Programme and CEF)

EU Commission

“EURO-NMD is one of the 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs) approved by the ERN Board of Member States. The ERNs are co-funded by the European Union (Health Programme and CEF).
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