EURO-NMD ENDORSED: Warsaw Spring School of Neuromuscular Disorders 2023

On 2-3 June 2023, we invite you to a unique event: “Warsaw Spring School of Neuromuscular Disorders” organised with the support of the Scientific Panel for Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction Disorders of the European Academy of Neurology and the endorsement of the ERN EURO-NMD. The lecturers will be distinguished international experts in the field of neuromuscular diseases. The conference will provide an opportunity for discussions, personal meetings with experts. It will familiarise participants with the current state of knowledge in this rapidly developing area of neurology.
The official language of the conference is English. For your convenience, simultaneous translation from English into Polish and from Polish into English will be provided.

You are cordially invited to attend,
Prof. Anna Kostera-Pruszczyk, MD, PhD in Medicine
Head of the Department of Neurology, MUW
together with the organiser Medius sp. z o.o.

The ERNs are co-funded by the
European Union (Health Programme and CEF)

EU Commission

“EURO-NMD is one of the 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs) approved by the ERN Board of Member States. The ERNs are co-funded by the European Union (Health Programme and CEF).
For more information about the ERNs and the EU health strategy,
please visit