31205663014 | amc.nl | neuromusculaircentrumamc@amc.nl
The Academic Medical Center (Dutch: Academisch Medisch Centrum), or AMC, is the university hospital affiliated with the Universiteit van Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam).
It is one of the largest and leading hospitals of The Netherlands, located in the Bijlmer neighborhood in the most south-eastern part of the city. AMC consistently ranks among the top 50 medical schools in the world.
The AMC has an intensive cooperation with the other university hospital of Amsterdam, the VU University Medical Center (VUmc), which is affiliated with the VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam’s other university.
Tertiary care departments include advanced trauma care, pediatric and neonatal intensive care, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, infectious diseases and other departments.
The AMC neuromuscular centre is one of the six neuromuscular centres in the Netherlands, which form Spierziekten Centr um Nederland. Together with the Utrecht medical centre it constitutes ALS centrum Nederland.